Tuesday, December 1, 2009

On the 26th of November, my "Perfect Red: The Life of Paraskeva Clark" was launched at Libby’s of Toronto. I was completely astounded by the number of people who came and their excitement and interest in the book. What a gratifying experience! Perhaps the best way of conveying what the evening was like is through the photos taken by my husband, Loren Lind and my son, Gareth Lind.

Gavin Miller, who was Paraskeva's neighbour when he was a young boy, taped the introduction by John Libby and my short speech. You can listen to these at

1 comment:

  1. I'm still sad that I wasn't able to attend your launch that evening. But I'll look forward to seeing your photos of the event. Will you post them here on your blog?
    See you Monday though for your talk at the Bookshelf.
